Access to Data

The Faculty Office provides an interactive search function of the Official Roll Book of practising notaries on our website which is publicly available through this website here.

In addition, and in accordance with our commitment to the Legal Services Board and Legal Services Consumer Panel, the Faculty Office is also now making available (in a spreadsheet format) its data of currently practising notaries who have consented to their data being made available in this additional format. The intention is that the data will be able to be used by organisations such as providers of marketing and comparison websites, to improve access and enable greater choice for users of the legal sector.

The spreadsheet has been updated following the 2023/2024 practising certificate renewal round and is available for download here. Please note, this data was last updated in November 2023 and is subject to change.

This spreadsheet is provided for ease of reference but is not the Official Roll of notaries currently practising. The Faculty Office accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. The Faculty Office takes no responsibility for the way any third party uses this data, nor for any inaccuracies or omissions that occur where the data is used by that third party. The Roll Book remains the definitive list.

Any enquiries about the up-to-date status of a notary can be directed to