How do I provide feedback about a Notary?

Your feedback provides valuable insight and is an important tool in helping to guide improvement to ensure you continue to receive a good quality service from notaries.

In 2022 we conducted a survey of the consumers of notarial services using an online questionnaire and we plan to conduct a similar survey in 2024.

The survey sought answers to questions on a range of topics including:

  • the frequency with which consumers require notarial;
  • how the need for a notarial services were identified;
  • the ease with which the services was found
  • how the particular notarial service was chosen
  • information provided prior to instruction;
  • how the notarial service was delivered
  • the level of satisfaction with the service provided; and
  • diversity information about the consumer

We are encouraged that in general the results were positive and analysis of the headline findings as well as some of the more detailed data can be found here.

If you would like to provide other feedback or share your recent experience of using a notary please email Any feedback provided can be anonymised.